Getting Started


pip install lofn


You can use python 2 or 3, 2.7+ and 3.6+ preferably.

Running a script on this framework requires Spark and Docker.

Install Docker

See the Docker Docs on how to install.

Install Spark

See the Downloading Spark instructions to get started. It will require Java be installed and in your PATH or set JAVA_HOME and downloading the jar files. Then set SPARK_HOME as the path to this directory and add its bin directory to PATH as well.

Running on Standalone

lofn can be run on Spark standalone on a cluster or a single node. Use spark-submit to submit your application to Spark.

Running on YARN

Some configurations are required for lofn to work on YARN.

Configure the Cluster

Beyond having Spark setup on a YARN cluster ready to submit jobs, follow these steps for lofn to work:

  • install lofn on each node
  • install Docker on each node
  • create a Docker group
  • add $USER and yarn user to Docker group
  • restart yarn daemons and your shell for changes to take effect

See the next page ‘Using lofn on AWS’ for instructions on how to setup an EMR cluster automatically for lofn


  • User volumes must be in HDFS and your volumes dictionary should provide the absolute path to the directory on HDFS
  • use spark-submit to submit the application to Spark


Explore some of our examples to get started.