Source code for lofn.docker_handler

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017 Eli Lilly and Company
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Run Docker containers.

from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
import logging
import subprocess

from lofn import hdfs_handler

                    format='%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %('

[docs]def run(image_name, command, bind_files, volume_files, **kwargs): """ Make system calls with subprocess to run our containers. :param image_name: docker image to run a container :param command: docker command to run in container :param bind_files: container paths to set as mount point :param volume_files: host paths to mount :keyword docker_options: additional options to pass to docker run as a list :keyword temporary_directory_parent: specify the parent directory for temporary directories and files. Must exist or have permission to create the directory. The default is None, which uses the a default from a platform-dependent list or the system's environment variable for TMP, TMPDIR, or TEMPDIR. :return: status of execution, False is no issues otherwise returns failure message. """ def build(user_volume_statement=None): """ Build the bash command to run Docker with appropriate bindings and file names. :param user_volume_statement: docker commands for mounting the user volume. This can be None if there is not a user defined volume. :return: string to be run in terminal to run a docker container """ arguments = ['docker', 'run'] if docker_options: if not isinstance(docker_options, list): raise TypeError("docker_options must be a list") arguments += docker_options arguments += build_volumes() if user_volume_statement: arguments += user_volume_statement arguments += [image_name, 'bash -c "{command}"'.format( command=command)] logging.debug(' '.join(arguments)) return ' '.join(arguments) def build_volumes(): """Build docker volume binding statement""" bindings = [] for idx, volume_path in enumerate(volume_files): bind = '{host}:{container}:rw'.format( host=volume_path, container=bind_files[idx]) bindings.append('-v') bindings.append(bind) return bindings def user_volumes(user_defined_volumes): """Build docker volume binding statement for user defined directories""" bindings = [] for key, value in user_defined_volumes.items(): bind = '{host}:{container}:{mode}'.format( host=key, container=value['bind'], mode=value['mode'] ) bindings.append('-v') bindings.append(bind) return bindings docker_options = kwargs.get('docker_options') master_type = kwargs.get('master_type') volumes = kwargs.get('volumes') if volumes: if master_type == 'yarn': with hdfs_handler.setup_user_volumes_from_hdfs( volumes, temporary_directory_parent=kwargs.get( 'temporary_directory_parent', None) ) as new_volumes: # make local copies to mount and delete when finished command = build(user_volumes(new_volumes)) return execute(command) else: command = build(user_volumes(volumes)) return execute(command) else: command = build() return execute(command)
[docs]def execute(command): """ Use the shell to invoke Docker. Catch exceptions and return to master to be caught and reported helpfully. :param command: bash command to call docker with requested configuration :return: if failure, the message about why it failed is returned, otherwise it returns False """ try: # stderr as stdout should help make different versions of python all # use CalledProcessError.output for the message returned subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) return False except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: failure = "The docker container failed with: {}".format(error.output) return failure
[docs]class DockerFailure(Exception): """Custom exception to communicate the container failed.""" pass
[docs]def validate_user_input(volumes): """ Validate the user input. Checks the type and structure. """ # we require the format like docker-py, volumes={'host_dir': { # 'bind': 'container_dir', 'mode': 'rw/ro'}} if not isinstance(volumes, dict): raise TypeError('The keyword argument "volumes" must be a ' 'dictionary.') # we require the format like docker-py, volumes={'host_dir': { # 'bind': 'container_dir', 'mode': 'rw/ro'}} binding_keys = ['bind', 'mode'] updated_volumes = {} for key, value in volumes.items(): provided_binding_keys = [_.lower() for _ in value.keys()] illegal_keys = set(provided_binding_keys) - set(binding_keys) if illegal_keys: raise ValueError("'bind' and 'mode' are the only allowed keys " "to define a volume binding options.") if 'mode' not in provided_binding_keys: set_default_mode = {'mode': 'ro'} value.update(set_default_mode) new_value = {k.lower(): v for k, v in value.items()} updated_volumes[key] = new_value return updated_volumes